Monday, 15 August 2011

Be your part.

I dredged this out of an old journal of mine from a little over a year ago. I know I'm only really displaying the personal, emotional, underbelly of World History, but I've just started the new semester at University and so need to re-discover the pulse of the scholarly / academic side of it. I've a stack of readings and videos and essays to trundle through, so expect to see that side of things very soon. Enjoy!

I’ve been doing a fair amount of thinking lately. Well…more so than usual, and also a great deal healthier than usual. Basically I’ve arrived at the conclusion that I know exactly what *I* want and exactly what I’m going to do to get it.

See when you spend more time than you feel you *want* to on other people, helping them, investing in them, whatever it happens to be…that’s not healthy. It’s unbalanced. And pointless, and hypocritical. At the end of the day there is a line in the sand where you must realise that people are the way they are out of choice. There are acute circumstances and situations that are exceptions to this, but think of people who are struggling – the single mothers, the friend who’s dating a filthy piece of refuse, the uni student over their head, the broken hearted friend, the grandparent that is drowning in their own complacency, waiting to die… how many of those actually take the hand offered them? Not many, right? That’s because they are exactly as they feel they wish to be. They choose their reality, just as you must choose yours.

So, if all your time is spent churning over everyone else’s “issues”, it suggests subconscious hypocrisy. Such ‘idealistic’ ‘care’ is often tinged with a sense of the frantic, of urgency. It smells unnecessary. And it’s certainly not healthy. What is it in yourself that you’re either deflecting or projecting? All this obsession with other people… are you not at least as valuable as them (as far as your own efforts are concerned)?

When asked in that light, it becomes quite difficult to argue against by any measure.

You’re the centre of your world. That’s how God, the Creator, Divine Spirit, anything and everything (or nothing) you know him / her / it to be, designed things. You are here, so you may as well be as amazing and beautiful as you can be. Enjoy your time and create the kind of life and existence that you want. Be your part of all that is, in all the ways you wish to be.


  1. The last paragraph spoke to me the most. Very deep-hitting writing here man, I'm serious. Keep it coming.


  2. "You are here, so you may as well be as amazing and beautiful as you can be. Enjoy your time and create the kind of life and existence that you want. Be your part of all that is, in all the ways you wish to be."

    Very touching words.

  3. Well spoken. Not much else I can say, that you didn't say in a more profound way.

  4. Well in the end the only ones you can trust are professionals who want to have prestige by doing their job right. Maybe a shrink would help those who have issues. There shouldn't be any taboo for consulting one. Loved your post, followed.

  5. Its true that more people need to help out others much more frequently.

  6. I believe there is a healthy kind of selfishness, which for me involves helping others but also knowing your limits and knowing when to step back and take care of yourself.
